[ ENI – West Libya Gas Project (WLGP) ]
In 1999 Eni and the Libyan National Oil Corporation signed an agreement for producing and marketing gas and oil.
This allowed the start of a joint development of the gas and oil fields of Wafa, located at 520 kilometres South‐West of Tripoli, and the structure C of the permit NC‐41, located in the Mediterranean off shore.
The project covers the implementation of the production and treatment plants at Wafa and at Mellitah, on the Libyan coast, the construction of the required infrastructures off and on shore, the pipeline to convey gas from off shore platforms to costal facilities at Mellitah and for a 540kelometers pipeline to connect Mellitah and Sicily (Italy).

Unidro and the West Libya Gas Project
The project as a whole included the requirements for several packages within Unidro’s range of experiences and available technologies. The presence of Unidro in the list of qualified suppliers of the ENI group and the previous experience with all the major players of the project (JGC, ABB Lummus, Snamprogetti, Nuovo Pignone and Tecnimont) paved the way to get a key role as preferred packages supplier for the WLGP project.

The Solution
Wafa site (desert): contractor JTS/JGC
Unidro was awarded by JTS (JGC‐Tecnimont‐Sofregas Joint venture) several packages related to water treatment as well as Produced Water Treatment installed at Wafa Desert location, all included in JGC portion. The following were the project milestones:
- Award date: May‐July 2002
- Delivered: July 2003
- Start‐up: July 2004

Wafa site (desert): contractor Nuovo Pignone
In 2002 a Fuel gas Filtratin Package has been provided to be installed in the gas Turbine Generator supplied by Nuovo Pignone.
Mellitah site (coastal): contractor JTS/Tecnimont
At the same time, two more packages at Mellitah coastal site included in Tecnimont portion have also been awarded to Unidro. Also in this case project milestones (same as for Wafa desert portion) have been duly met.
Mellitah site (coastal): contractor ABB Lummus
One year later, the consortium Saipem‐ABB Lummus ordered three large packages for Lean Amine Packages filtration.